Author Archives: Dr. Liz Hale
Author Archives: Dr. Liz Hale
We’ve heard the phrase, “you are where you’ve been,” but your past doesn’t have to define you.
Continue reading[KGVID width=”530″ height=”250″][/KGVID] What does Halloween have to do with your marriage? Not much.
Continue reading[KGVID width=”530″ height=”250″][/KGVID] t’s a marriage fact that we’re all well aware of – we even joke about it: Couples seem to fight over the same issues, time and time again..
Continue reading[KGVID width=”530″ height=”250″][/KGVID] Finances are a big part of a marriage, and also one of the leading causes of divorce.
Continue readingFor women who find themselves on the big search for Mr. Right, there is a “new and approved” dating approach to take to action.Dr. Liz Hale shares how she wants women to date with their worst foot forward..
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