Category Archives for "Children"
“Be curious, but not furious”. That’s just one tip Dr. Liz Hale has for parents dealing with kids and pornography. It’s part of a solid, reassuring strategy to help parents handle this difficult situation. Our society is over-saturated with sexual images. From billboards to commercials to grocery store check-out lanes, we are bombarded with blatant […]
Continue readingTeens can sometimes be emotional, but when is their moody behavior a bigger issue than just teen hormones? Learn the line between mental health and teen hormones.
Continue readingTeenagers can sometimes be hard to understand, but there are some things that teens wish they could ask their parents. Here we will look at what your teenager wants to ask you, but doesn’t know how or is afraid to bring up the topic. Do You Like Me? In the independent film, “Lady Bird,” mom […]
Continue readingEvery family has their bedtime routine. Jammies, brush teeth, bedtime story, or whatever works in your house. Your children’s bedtime isn’t just the transition from daytime to nighttime. It’s a sacred window that’s perfect for deepening your connection. Plus, when you and your kiddos know what to expect each night you will both be able […]
Continue readingMore and more millennials are putting off marriage until later in life. A big influence on these young adults’ view on marriage is your own example. Let’s talk about how you can be a Pro-Marriage Parent for Your Millennial Children.
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