Category Archives for "Self-Esteem"

Taking Chances & Making Changes

KSL Television ~ Studio 5Ã?  “Take that leap of faith”ââ?¬Â¦”Feel the fear and do it anyway”ââ?¬Â¦”Jump and the net will appear.” These common phrases support the notion that we can indeed take risks and make necessary changes in our life. So, who or what trips us up along the way and tells us we can’t?

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Words and Beliefs That Sabotage

KSL Television ~ Studio 5 It’s amazing how we setÃ? ourselves up to fail simply by the language that we use. I often hear from clients and friends, “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I lose weight? What can’t I control my temper? Why can’t I be more organized? Why doesn’t anything ever work out for […]

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