Category Archives for "Communication"

Wabi Sabi Love

It’s common to fantasize about living in a perfect world with perfect people and perfect relationships. The hard truth is – we’re not perfect. And neither are our partners. The term Wabi Sabi is a concept derived from Zen Buddhist teachings that means finding beauty and perfection in the imperfections. For instance, if you had […]

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De-Bunking Gender Differences

Of course we have differing biology! The truth is that most sex differences start out small – as mere biases in temperament and play style -but are amplified as children’s pink or blue tinted brains meet out gender-infused culture; including tea parties, wrestling matches, cafeteria drama, playground scraps that dominate a girl’s versus a boy’s […]

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Winning Marriage Strategies

When two people simultaneously feel they got the better end of the deal, marriage is a true win! In any enjoyable game you play, there are certain rules, strategies, and creative processes for winning! The only thing missing from the game of marriage is competition. That’s deadly to a marriage! If one wins, no one […]

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