Category Archives for "Happiness"
[KGVID width=”530″ height=”250″][/KGVID] Life is made up of moments we share with others.
Continue reading[KGVID width=”530″ height=”250″][/KGVID] When it comes to love, is it all about feelings, or does your brain have something to do with it too? And once you find love, how do you make it last?
Continue readingIt can emotionally weigh you down, and negatively impact your other relationships. So, why are we still hanging on? Think of the action words we use to describe our behavior around resentments: We “hold on to” OUR grudges and we “carry” OUR resentments. Grudges don’t hold on to us, we hold on to them; and […]
Continue readingLife may not always be exciting, but feelings of apathy can spell trouble. apÃ?·aÃ?·thy /Ã?Ë?apÃ?â?¢THÃ?â??/ Noun Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Synonyms indifference – unconcern – listlessness When apathy is present, concern is also. Apathy is ALWAYS an indication that something is wrong.
Continue readingDo you judge other people when you discover that they have had plastic surgery? Do you judge them negatively? Does that mean that you think they are shallow?
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